School Uniform
At Ladywood, we want the children to have self-pride and Ladywood Pride. With this in mind, it is a requirement that our children follow the School Dress Code, which consists of any combination of the following:
- A royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with the Ladywood logo or if parents prefer, children may wear a plain royal blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt.
- Black or dark grey skirt, trousers, shorts, culottes or pinafore.
- A white shirt, blouse, T-shirt or polo shirt.
- In the Summer, learners may wear dresses in blue and white checks or stripes or grey knee high length shorts, skorts or culottes.
- Socks or tights in blue, black, white or grey.
- Sensible flat black shoes. Flat boots below the knee may be worn in Winter.

Clothing can be ordered from Parentpay or directly from Just School Wear with the school logo and local supermarket bought items are also acceptable in the correct colours. Clothes must not have logos (except the School logo) or any other decoration, such as stripes on trousers.
There are currently no local uniform shops or second hand retailers that sell our uniform.
Children should have a pair of black smart shoes.
PE Clothing
PE clothing is part of the school uniform and should be kept at school at all times. A kit should consist of:
- A royal blue or white T-shirt (plain or with the Ladywood logo).
- Black or navy PE shorts and black or navy jogging bottoms.
- A pair of trainers.
- A PE bag to keep everything in.
- Nursery children do not need a PE kit.
Please make sure all clothing is marked with your child’s name.
Jewellery should not be worn at school, with the exception of a watch or a pair of stud earrings for pierced ears.
These must be removed on PE days and for swimming.
If stud earrings can't be removed due to being newly pierced or another reason, then they should be taped on PE days.
All other body piercings are not allowed.
School accepts no responsibility for jewellery worn to school by the children
Hair should be kept neat and appropriate for school. Long hair should be tied back, there should be no bright or unusual colours applied or any patterns shaved into closely cropped hair.