Welcome To Ladywood Primary School

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Online Safety

On-line or E-Safety is a term which encompasses both the internet and other ways in which young people communicate using electronic media e.g. smart phones, tablets and gaming consoles. It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies, whilst minimising risk to themselves and others.

The aim is to protect young people from adverse consequences as a result of their use of electronic communication, including from accessing inappropriate content, harmful material, bullying, inappropriate sexualised behaviour or exploitation.

We are aware that many children have access to the internet at their fingertips and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that we provide children with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and ways to report situations in which they feel uncomfortable.



Knowing and following the age restrictions for different apps is a great way to keep children safe online.



Useful Links:

Internet Matters - https://www.internetmatters.org/

Report Online Abuse - Internet Watch Foundation - https://www.iwf.org.uk

UK Safer Internet Centre: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk

CEOP: https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/



The CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) logo pictured here is on a lot of social networking sites. It is the Advice, Help and Report button. Clicking on it will take you to CEOP Safety Centre, where you can easily follow links for help if you are a parent or child. It is a valuable tool for every member of the family